Sunday, March 31, 2019

Pet Peeves

Please Stop!

Everyone has pet peeves...  Behavior that we find distracting and upsetting but how do you get a person to stop?  Some people are totally clueless and have no idea that they are upsetting anyone but some people do it on purpose.  Why?  Because they are so immature...  Or love being annoying...  Or simply don't have a life that they have to ruin yours with their irritating behavior...  Ugh!  :(

Monday, March 25, 2019

Cock a Doodle Doo!

When the Rooster Crows...

I always thought that roosters only crowed in the early morning but there is this rooster that crows all hours of the day.  Either his internal clock is off or he is really messed up.  Ever live in the country before?  Very different from city living.  I never thought I would ever do it but never say never.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Evil is...

As Evil Does!

Do you know what I've figured out about evil people?  They can be as mean as can be to others but if other people are mean to them back they get so upset!  It's like they are above the law when it comes to their being mean but they actually think they deserve nice behavior in return.  Try to stay away from a mean person!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sometimes do you ever wonder...

About Some People?

Ever notice how the people that cause you the most discomfort don't seem to get it?  They keep up with their behavior even though you have asked others to speak on your behalf and you have made it clear that they are making you uncomfortable.  Why is it that some people simply have no emotional intelligence whatsoever?

Friday, March 15, 2019

Cultural Shift...

Have you noticed?

We live in a world that is totally different from the way it was a decade ago...  There are things that we see happening on a day to day basis that we never even imagined would ever happen in our world.  Why is it that things are getting so out of hand?  What happens when our world becomes utter chaos? 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Life as We Know It

One Life to Live

Life as we know it won't last forever.  Look at all the changes that have happened in the recent decade.  Time if running out like the sands of time.  Time is always the most valuable commodity we have.  Are you spending your time wisely?  If you are then you are spending that time with your loved ones.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Jump Start...

Your Prayer Life!

Ever feel like you are in a prayer rut?  Why not read Draw the Circle?  It's an awesome way to jump start your prayer life.  I began reading this prayer challenge book and have been getting a lot of inspiration from it and don't we need it?