Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Winter White

But Not Really This Year!


is New Year's Eve!

Say it isn't so!  Like where did the time go?  You know how you're supposed to keep track of your bank book?  Well it is probably a good idea to keep track of your time balance   Because...  money comes and money goes but time just goes and goes like the sands of time.  You can't go back in time.  And time doesn't seem to be slowing down.  So...  time to make those New Year's resolutions!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Countdown's Beginning

4, 3, 2, 1...

The end of the year is drawing to a close.  So was this year good, bad, or ugly?  I would have to say definitely busy!  Who am I kidding?  I was inordinately busy!  I was on the run all over town and then some.  What I need to do is plan smarter and not get lost because time is money.  How do I work smarter?  Hmmm...

Thursday, December 24, 2015

I'm Dreaming of a...

Green Christmas?

No really!  This is the oddest Christmas with weather in the 60's/70's and pouring rain.  I've even seen people wearing shorts here and there.  I would but really with it being the eve of Christmas?  Very different from years when you would see a lot of snow on the ground.  What is going on with our world?  

At any rate, Merry Christmas!  Enjoy your time with your loved ones!  

Monday, December 21, 2015

To Be So Close

Yet So Far Away

So I probably have the worse sense of direction ever!  I had a map for this one building and I called someone at the building for directions and found out I was five minutes away.  It took me over an hour to find the building.  I kept driving back and forth all within five minutes of the building and could not find it.  Finally after stopping in at a gas station, a coffee shop, and an office building, I found someone who said she would drive ahead of me and I could just follow her to the building.  That is bad, isn't it?  That was definitely an "Argh!" moment!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Mad Hatter...

Always in a Hurry!

Ever have a day where you need to get somewhere on time but it seems as if the whole world is against you?  I had one recently.  I needed to get downtown for a test I was taking and "lo and behold" I got stuck behind a dump truck, then had to wait on a train, and then was driving behind a police car.

There are some days you just can't win.

However on a positive note, I passed my test and some of the people in this world are very understanding and always rooting for you!  In fact, I had a whole room full of women who told me, "You can do it!"  Talk about a nice way to finish the day!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Angel

Late Night

Sometimes I like to stay up late to watch a movie:  Especially the heart-warming ones.  Last night I watched Christmas Angel.  Do you pay it forward?  Do you ever do something nice for someone just because?  What is the true meaning of Christmas?  To Give and Not to Receive!  Do you agree?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Baby Fact


Did you know that the height you are at the age of two is an indicator of how tall you will be?  Just take your height when you are two, obviously it will have to be your parents or someone else, and multiply it by two.  My brother told me about this interesting fact.  Surprise!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

To Be A Scrooge...

Stinginess Vs Generosity

You know the type!  They nickel and dime you anytime, all the time!  The funny thing about greed is that you can't take it with you when you die.  Do you realize that?

There's a joke about a rich guy that dies and goes to heaven.  He's allowed to bring one bag in with him per a deal he made with one of the angels.  Out of curiosity, the angel looks in his bag and then gestures to another angel to join him.  He tells the other angel, "I can't believe this guy is bringing pavement into heaven."  Why?  Because in heaven, "the streets are lined with gold."

I have friends that don't have much and yet they give so much of themselves.  But then you see people who have so much and yet it pains them to give something away.  You also hear of people living like paupers only to find out that they had millions after they die.  What is with people anyway?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Kickoff

Living Christmas Tree

A friend of mine gave me complimentary tickets to A Night at the Mall.  How shall I describe what I saw?  It was a combination of Paul Blart Mall CopNutcracker and a Nativity all rolled into one.  The talented cast members put on a truly impressive production.  I would definitely give this a thumbs up.  You have to see it to believe it and not all cast members had two feet.  You also had the four-legged variety including camels, goats, and sheep.  So go check it out!