Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Chicklet's Night Out

Cinderella View

Sometimes you just need a girl's night out!  Tonight I went and saw Cinderella with a number of my gal pals.  I think deep inside every woman, no matter how old she is, is a dream about being Cinderella who finally gets to meet her prince.  Although if you saw Into the Woods you soon realize that Prince Charming is a good for nothing toad.  Ribbit!  Ribbit!  And so ends our green month!  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Whether Weather

Don't Wear Leather

So we're not exactly in winter anymore but it's not full-blown spring either yet which makes it really difficult to know how to dress anymore.  I'll dress for warm weather, head out the door only to realize that it's colder than I thought.  Or dress for cold weather and start shedding layers because it's warmer than I thought.  One of these days I'll get it right!

So Downton Abbey is now down five seasons with only one more to go.  I couldn't believe it when I heard that next season is the last season.  What?!?  No more Downton Abbey marathons?!?  I have to admit I'm kind of bummed.  :(

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life is...

Going too fast!

Don't you think?  Right now it is past the middle of March and before you know it April will be here with taxes and Easter.  And then we begin thinking of Spring and bunnies and Easter eggs.  Take some time and think about the true meaning of Easter and what it represents.  I remember watching the movie the Passion of the Christ and it was larger than life and swept across the nation.  There are some things in life that cause a lot of controversy.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sitting Duck

Roadside Assistance Please

I was driving down the road and noticed what I thought was a duck squatting in the road but really it was a goose.  "Duck, duck, goose!"  You know?  Which reminds me of a time when I drove past what I thought were four frozen ducks on a lawn.  I was thinking exactly how inhumane were these people to leave frozen ducks on the lawn only to realize that they were statue ducks that had fallen over.  You just never know...  Sometimes what you see is what you get and sometimes there is more to the story.  That's why it's a good idea to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Because you want to be treated by others that way.

Brrr...  did it get cold again!  And the lake is still frozen!  Brrr...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pie Day

A pie in the face perhaps?

Actually I was thinking more in terms of the symbol pi...  Remember learning about pi in math class?  Well this past Saturday was pie day or actually pi day.  Why?  Because it was March 14, 2015 at 9:26...  you get my drift?  See!  Sometimes math is interesting!

pi = 3.14159265

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Star of Bethlehem

Did Jesus exist?

What do the stars tell us?  Surprisingly a lot!  I have had the DVD:  The Star of Bethlehem recommended to me by a couple of Christian guys that I know and I finally had the opportunity to watch it last night.  The premise of this DVD is about a lawyer that started a search for the Bethlehem Star and in the process found out a lot more that he ever bargained for.  There is also a CD with the accompanying music on it.

It seems lately that I have been in astronomy mode.  I recently invited some friends to go to a local planetarium to learn about the stars.  So many people get caught up in astrology but really who made the stars?  We saw a short film on going to the moon.  We also learned about Google Lunar Xprize and some of the people vying for this top prize.  It's amazing to see the universe.  Do you even realize how big it is?

Sunday, March 8, 2015


All women are what?

So...  I was at a girls night and one of the women there asked me how old I was because evidently there is a new guy in town from out of state and he thinks all the women here are "wack."  So she is wanting to get together some women in his age range that are normal for him to meet.  So should I be insulted because he thinks all women here are "wack" or should I feel complimented that I'm normal?  Hmmm...  Will have to think about that one.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Daylight Savings

Remember we Spring Forward...

Otherwise you will be late for work on Monday.  Unless you are your own boss in which case you can probably give yourself some slack.

Well spring is slated to be here soon however we all know how long winter lasted in the Midwest last year so...

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Something to Make You Smile!

Good Ole' Bert & Ernie

Remember those days when you were a kid and watched Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street?  My favorite video of Bert was when he was doing the pigeon dance and my favorite of Ernie was when he was singing his rubber duckie song.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Playing Hooky...

Ever been invited to a "P" party?

Once upon a time a long time ago I had a number of Jewish roommates.  One night they were all out and I was taking phone messages.  This one guy called up and invited them all to a "porn" party or so I thought so I hung up on him.  Later when my roommates came home, I told them what happened.  That's when one of them asked if maybe he had meant "Purim" party?  Turns out that I hung up on their Rabbi.  Who knew!

I got a text from one of my old roommates today and she reminded me about it.  Happy Purim if it pertains!

So...  think today is a hooky day for me...  Maybe I will go watch a movie!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

All Star Karaoke

Killing Me Softly

Remember that song?  I sang that song for choir years ago and I recently sang it with a friend of mine at a local hangout for her birthday.  As it turns out someone I used to work with has her own karaoke company that is for hire and we got to see it in action.  It was a nice way to spend an evening plus the music was more to my taste as opposed to some of the other karaoke bands out there.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Comes Roaring...

In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb

Temps are finally warming up this week!  I for one am glad that frigid February is done with.  Brrr...  Exactly how arctic can you get?

So would you rather hang out with one single guy or two fun guys?  I went with a group recently to listen to Two Fun Guys playing at a local establishment.  Their acoustic sound is very laid back and reminiscent of warm summer nights hanging out by a beach.

A sidebar conversation was going on and one of the guys attending was talking about how all his friends are married to the women of their dreams.  It's nice to know that some men do end up with the woman of their dreams after all.